Thursday, April 29, 2010

IFJM Danny Day 5!

Well, Danny has now met his new family, and it's exploring his new surroundings.

{click to enlarge}

Yesterday found him wallowing in a pit of despair at watch Mel drive away, taking all of Danny's security with him. Today, he's thinking, maybe, just maybe, this could be worth a little effort on his part. He's still a little down, but he's refusing to be sucked into depression that would result in negative outbursts. He's finally gaining the more grown up perspective of shouldering a bit of the responsibility for making this arrangement actually work.

Ok - tomorrow I will have the last entry for the official International Fake Journal Month from Danny, but not the last entry in his story.

Ta for now, ~ky

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Welcome to the Bunny Nest! I host rescued animals in a small in-home setting. Currently, I host 3 bunnies and 2 kitties. These animals will be socialized and housed for the entirety of their lives in my home. They inspire my crafts, and I use any proceeds to pay for their needs. Thanks for visiting!