Hello friends! It's been an incredible year for me. So many new experiences, lots of growing pains, but I am so very blessed! I'll keep this post short because we all have things to do and places to be.
I just want you to know, ya know, that I'm thankful for each of you. You've lifted me up, gone on crazy adventures, supported me when I wasn't sure, and shared your prayers for me with God. Do you know how incredible that is? You. Talking to God. About me! I feel extremely blessed.
So go on - get on with the celebrating for those doing the thanksgiving thing. For those who aren't, just know you are included in my celebrations in my heart. Thank you!
Mondays are Mondays, no matter where you travel. We loaded up all our gear and took off on the 2-hour drive to Ojasca, the small town where the camp property lies.
The row of vehicles and laundry greet us with an amazing view.
The kids are already loving on their new campers. We put them on the bus and van with the camp kids. I marvel at the way they soak up the language and quickly build trust and laughter. It is a great gift from God to witness.
The main building houses the adult sleeping quarters, gymnasium, kitchen, and covered porch.
Once at camp, we off-load all our gear and begin to assess the area. The view is beautiful - breathtaking. There are lots of resources here - volleyball, an indoor basketball court that doubles as a skating rink, 3 trampolines, 2 tetherballs, a concrete fenced-in tennis/basketball court, a large porch, 2 eating areas, indoor plumbing, outdoor latrines, and of course - food!
Brianna Ziemer schools the competition about tetherball.
Mackenzie is on the fast-track to speaking Romanian.
We had a really hard time limiting the trampolines to one person at a time. Eventually, they figured it out and began self-regulating. Some of the things they can do - this old body would snap like a twig! I really wanted to try, though.
Absolutely beautiful view. The river is visible if you look closely.
Things I learned on the first day: A smile means the same thing in any language. Some of these kids don't have open areas to play in. Day 1 isn't about running camp - it's about organization and getting all the wiggles out! The best way to learn to swim is to jump in and do it. Same with love and languages!
Molly braids Gabriela's hair.
Camp means, for some of the kids, being properly dressed and coiffed. There would be a never-ending line of girls braiding other girl's hair while braiding another... The cabins are really nice, although not heated or cooled. Four beds to a cabin, but usually 6 or 7 were sharing the space.
Body English is very important in Foosball.
The boys have no such qualms. "Is my body mostly covered? Partly? The important parts? That's enough!" And off they run.
Scott swears he does not come to camp to hurt children. Alex laughs along!
This porch swing was the site for many messy treats, giggling, hugs, time out, and counselling.
What do you mean they're all gone?
Everything here is wash and wear, one way or another. We rounded out the day with evening singing, skits, testimonies, and prayers. The kids not so quietly made their way to their cabins where they talked half-way through the night. Typical, right? They told us full exhaustion would take hold with night-long sleep by Wednesday. Spoiler alert...nope.
After all our travels, we reached Bucharest and met our host, Gerald Ziemer, and Ben. We loaded up all our gear and drove to Fundulea. Romania is a gorgeous country, similar to the US but entirely different. We drove past fields of sunflower, wheat, and corn. We arrived at the Ziemer's house.
Such a beautiful place, so calm and welcoming.
This was the amazing view that greeted me the first day. Later, we would see sheep and cows being tending through the field beyond the fence. Just amazing.
This is the church - right next door. Convenient, huh? Almost every yard is fenced off - don't think of this as a sign of a dangerous town. Plenty of neighbors have yard birds, dogs, a little garden - fences just keep things neater.
We enjoyed a day of celebration on Sunday. The day started with a lovely church service, where we were embraced, kissed, taught new words, and enjoyed lovely music. Our trip leader, Scott, preached a beautiful message that was well received. After, we were treated to a feast. Nothing fancy, just good down-home potluck with grilled meats. Yum-O!
That evening, we shared stories and learned more about our hosts and another missionary who was living there. The Ziemer's are an amazing family. They've been in Romania for 20 or so years - all four children born and raised. I could tell the local community absolutely adores them.
Off to dreamland, and heading to the camp in the morning! I'll tell you more about that tomorrow.
Meanwhile - if you haven't received my missions newsletter, please share your email address and I get it out to you. It has the prayer needs for our Malawian trip coming up in a few days. As always - I appreciate your interest and your support.
I'm back state-side now. I've been dealing with a respiratory bug I picked up on the way home. Long plane rides almost always guarantee a hitchhiker! Thinking back over the trip to Camp Eli - it seems in some ways like a memory of long ago, but we left 7 members of our team there to do a second camp. Seeing their posts reminds me that this trip *just* happened.
We left Dallas for London on Friday afternoon and arrived without any issues. Our pass through London's security gave us a few surprises. If you have a 100 ml tube of cream, you're fine. If it is 100.1 ml, well... no. Interestingly, that is 3.38 ounces (100 ml). It went through US airport security without a second glance.
As you filter through the wrongly signed queues, you're given a chance to open your carry-on and make certain your liquids and gels are in a 1 quart zip-close baggie. They even provide the baggies. Take that opportunity. Trust me... They expect little clear quart baggies of your supplies be placed in a separate bin to go through the security x-ray.
Regulation comes in layers
We made our way to our terminal which required a bus ride. They apparently have built new terminals, but didn't connect them to anything yet. We checked the board for gate info. Yup, there's the flight. It's at gate.... "to be determined 20 minutes prior to boarding". So, all these no-gate-specified people are clustered around Starbucks and the recharging stations (only half of them actually worked), readying themselves for a controlled stampede to a gate. They are absolutely twitchy. One eye pointed at the gate assignment board, one pointed at their not-yet-charged phones.
Gordon Ramsay's Restaurant
Observations - always take a youngster or three on the trip with you. They can figure out any technology issues you have plus they are endlessly entertaining when they learn their money doesn't work any more. Pro-tip: Bring a credit card.
Oh yes - I have been rude to you, my guest. I neglected to share our group with you. I beg your forgiveness. Here's our team of 14 from Mobberly Baptist Church in East Texas.
Front row (L to R): Elliott, Mackenzie, Sam, Caitlin, Molly, Kyra (me).
Back row (L to R): Patrick, Noah, Sydney, Gary, Bryce, Briana, Noel, Scott.
(Because these are minors, I'm not sharing surnames. Sorry. Not gonna.)
We left from home Friday morning. Mid-afternoon we boarded our flight for a 9 hour session of who's-your-closest-neighbor. I'm happy to say my row got up exactly twice during that flight. I hope you read sarcasm.... We switched planes in London and flew another 3 hours to Bucharest.
We were met there by our host and another driver. Romania would have a near-record-setting heat wave while we were there. The average high for June is 68*F. It was 95*F while we were there. The heat actually got a headline in the newspaper. Every day from the very beginning revolved around water sports. Kids, water balloons, water hose - yep, some things never change.
Here we are, strangers in a strange land. We didn't realized the impact we would have on our new friends, but even more, we didn't have a clue about the impact they would have on us.
Stay tuned - I'm finally getting all my photos processed. I should be able to post a little more regularly so you can see camp life day by day.
Hello dear friends! I'm about to head out on my next mission. Over the next 9 days, I'll be participating in a kids' camp for orphans in Romania. Yep. Romania.
It's a place called Camp Eli, built for disadvantaged and orphaned children. I've heard wonderful stories and can't wait to get my hands dirty playing with them (and sharing the gospel, of course). Eli and Vivian Box began the work here, and now the Ziemer family from Tennessee oversees daily operations.
I feel blessed to be at this season in life where I can devote time, energy, and resources to helping others. We will be playing a lot of games, working on a lot of crafty projects (stamping!), and learning to trust and love others. Right now, we have about 70 kids attending between first and sixth grades.
Some of these kids have bad histories and really need encouragement. Some haven't spent much time outdoors at all. I'm sure there will be chaos as we all get to know each other, and that's ok. We'll be learning their stories, sharing ours, and giving them hope and laughter for a week. I know I won't be the same when I come home, and I really hope they aren't either.
I am grateful for donations - I'm providing all the supplies for 2 classes, and the travel expense is $2,000 US. Several people have been such a blessing with donations. If you'd like to pitch in - there's a button on the top right of this blog where you can do that through PayPal. If you can't contribute financially, I'd love to know you're a prayer partner for our trip! Please share this blogpost far and wide, you never know who's waiting for the right chance to contribute or pray.
You can head over to Facebook and 'like' the BunnyNest Ministry page. I don't know what internet access we will have in Romania, but I will be providing stories and photos as we go or on my return.
I would love it if you'd pray for travel mercies for our group of 15. We also need these kids to be open to the messages they will hear, and surroundings that will make them feel safe. Pray that we will provide the right experiences, and that hearts will be quickly linked. Of course, prayers for our surroundings, safety, the weather, and health are all cherished, too.
Thank you so much for stopping by. I also have a Go.Fund.Me campaign if you'd like to share that. My next mission will be in Malawi, Africa, taking care of health needs in the small villages.
Hello dear friends! I'm here today with a little video (short and sweet) to help you get the most out of your MISTIs. I'm always using mine - I have 3, and that's still not enough. I make dozens of repeat cards for a variety of needs, so I don't like to unload my MISTI for just a quick card.
I hope this gives you an idea to stretch your tools. You can do this without 2 MISTIs, too - just put a stack of paper or a mouse pad under your stamping surface to simulate the height of the second MISTI.
I had the privilege to teach at a local Christian bookstore. I held a Bible journaling class, and that turned into something amazing. I know lots of people are frustrated with their prayer lives, wondering when they will hear from God or see a sign. I did too. Then I said YES to the Lord and suddenly His fingerprints are on everything!
I just mentioned to the ladies in my class (there were 4 adults and a child) that I wasn't charging for the class but would accept donations for my missions trips. God gave me $70. Wow - just like that! I've also been praying for God to show me which missions I would serve. Let me set the scene.
It was a cold, windy, rainy night. There wasn't a lot of traffic in the store. This man came by and watched us working for a minute. He asked a few questions, and then shared that a lady at his church was trying to draw ladies to fellowship by offering crafts. We talked about the difficulty of not being able to reach people, and how many things stood in the way of getting them through the door.
He mentioned that a number of teens had already had several abortions. Teens. My heart hurt. He noted how the government provided funding to women who were unwed and had children, encouraging them to have more as each child grew too old to receive the same level of benefits. Numerous fathers, zero fatherly input. How an 80-year-old preacher was arrested for preaching salvation in his own church. How many people had been scarred by the history of the church and being poorly treated by church members or leaders. My heart was crushed.
I asked him to give my contact information to the lady trying to do crafts. Maybe I could help her by providing artwork or patterns or ideas, certainly through prayer. I asked his name. He said, "Jason." with an English accent. I said - I know you. I pray for you. You are from Preston, England! He said, yes. I felt like I'd been hit with lightning. God brought a man all the way from England on a cold, rainy night, to a bookstore he didn't frequent, just to tell me my art could help people way over the ocean. Let me tell you - I went home and praised, and cried, and rejoiced!
The next day I had a meeting with the missions coordinator. This meeting had been set in January, well before Jason came. Word had already reached my church that Preston, England needed me. I spoke with the women's ministry leader - she had already talked to the ladies of that church and we had a date set and I was on the list. Can you see this? Does it not shout to you? I feel even more strongly that this is the right path. I'd love it if you'd join me.
Please help me raise funds to pay for this trip. There is a PayPal donation button in the upper right of this blog. The only thing donations will be used for is the travel expenses. I will pay for everything else. If you don't feel like donating, but would like to support me, please consider purchasing stamps or cards or anything else I can make. Proceeds from those items will go into the trip funds. And most of all, please pray that we can reach these women and their children. Thank you so much for spending a little time with me today. I know you are busy and it means the world to me that you care.
Welcome! I've missed you! I have been busy (like everyone) and got out of the rhythm of posting. I have news! It's great big, giant, scary news for me! Have a minute for a short story? Pull up your coffee!
Many of you know I moved back home to live with my Dad in Texas a few years ago. He developed lung cancer and passed away last March. It was an adventure that brought us closer together and introduced me to the Church I serve even now.
I was constantly busy with Dad, but after his passing, I found myself looking for the "what's next." It's a change of seasons, a new focus, an old passion, and a big stamp of approval. I am launching my very precious, tender, and long-awaited baby -- welcome to BunnyNest Ministries! Ta-da!!
BunnyNest Ministries
Oh my word - I am saying this out loud! That comes with a lot of pressure. Don't worry - God's got this. Over the next few weeks, I'll be sharing my testimonies. God has blessed me and directed me over and over. I spent every day of the last 4 months pestering Him for His appointment and listening to His reply.
God has shown me my next assignment. I'll be going on national and international mission trips, and, (I'm so stinking excited!) I'll be building a scholarship fund so that another person can go with me to learn how missions work. I believe my whole life has prepared me for this, and the next step is His perfect foot stone of my path.
From here forward, all purchases and donations (see my new missions support button upper right) will go into a fund that pays for mission trips and incidental supplies, along with that scholarship. If you buy a card or stamping supplies, pay for a lesson/class, finished artwork, camera stands, or anything else I can come up with -- it will all go toward missions funding (aside from shipping fees and replacing consumable supplies).
I'm going to need lots of prayers, too. I know it will be hard, sometimes dangerous, and exhausting. But I also know it will be worth it. So there you have it. My crazy, scary-big news. I promise you updates once the trips are scheduled and reports on where, what, who, when, etc. For now, I have to get busy making and selling things. I cannot do this without your love and support. I hope you're as excited as I am!
To celebrate this big, scary news - I made this darling card for a friend's birthday. I hope she likes it. She loves the bunnehs I bring to choir practice. Who doesn't?
And here's a tip - use a thin layer of glossy accents over any eyes on your project. That makes them come to life!
Ok - it's a long post and I know you have lots of important things to do. Thank you for spending a little time with me, and sharing in my news!
I drew my personal logo (bunneh!) and Bossy Joscie did the honors of creating it. She did a fantastic job!! She makes all kinds of custom stamp - please visit her!
Hello sweet people! Thank you for visiting my blog today. I really appreciate your support. I've been getting a few questions but no way to reply to those asking, so I'll answer them today in this post. Please remember to leave me a way to contact you if you have questions. Or you can post them to my Facebook page. This is a bit longer than my usual posts, but I think you'll find it worthwhile.
Beth and Angie both asked about using Stampin' Up! inks in your Bible. I use an onion-skin Bible. The pages are thinner than most journaling Bibles. When I stamp SU! classic inks, they act just like Memento - they are both dye-based inks (water reactive). Because they are very wet water-based inks, they soak through bare pages easily. They also take a few moments to dry and smear easily. They not only soak through, they will imprint the previous page, as well.
What can you do? You can prepare your pages for all kinds of media. I use CLEAR gesso - this came up last week in discussion. If you use regular gesso, it has white acrylic paint in it, making it opaque. I use Liquitex Clear Gesso found at both Hobby Lobby and Michael's. Gesso seals your pages, and it also provides "tooth" or a rough surface that will hold ink, paint, colored pencil, etc. It feels a little gritty when dry. You can get a sanding block and gently smooth the gesso once dry but I usually don't bother.
Please note - thin paper is always going to show the image on the reverse side. This is a function of thin paper. Bleed-through is a totally different problem - it actually obscures the page behind and can affect working that side of the paper. If the thin paper visibility is a problem for you, I'll be giving you some tools next week to help avoid that. Clear gesso reduces bleed-through. If you know you're going to put a lot of wet media on the page, consider using 2 or 3 thin coats of gesso.
Using Versamark ink and heat embossing is another trick to stamping without shadowing or bleeding. If you're going to color with pencils, that's all you need. But if you're using wet media, you will still need to prepare your page with gesso.
I hope that gives you enough info to go on, ladies. Please feel free to ask questions, just make sure you give me a way to respond! Now, today I'm sharing with you how I use water-based pigments to color in my Bible. In this video, I use Stampin' Up! reinkers with a waterbrush to watercolor after heat embossing.
I have always loved the story of Noah and his family. Of course, my predilection of loving animals really drew me to it. It's amazing to think we all trace our roots back to this event. I've been reviewing Genesis and how inclusive it is. It covers creation, the fall of man, a huge flood - all the way to the exodus. A lot of things are going on in this single book! So, dig in and see what you come up with - be sure to share your work! You can inspire someone else no matter what your skill level is. We are all growing, still. Colossians 1:3-14, growing and bearing fruit.
Next week, I'll be sharing my tests of various inks and a variety of papers. I'll have some great samples for you using the most popular inks and providing other tips. So, please look for that!
Now, a bit of other news. Some of you know that my church has planted a church in San Francisco. This Christmas, our church provided 30 gift cards for needy families identified by a San Fran local school. I was asked to make card holders for those cards. I prayed over every card holder as I made them. It was a joyous time of worship for me, as well.
I was wondering the other day, just a mindless musing, what became of those envelopes and gift cards. I was ok with not knowing - many kindnesses occur daily without shouting back. Yesterday I opened my mailbox and a friend who had worked closely getting all this coordinated had sent me photocopies of notes.
Now, I'm not posting this to toot my own horn. I just want you to enjoy how God chose to use this. The pastor writes:
"I wanted to say thank you so much for sending the Target gift cards. You allowed us to be a blessing in ways that we couldn't imagine! By the time we got the cards and went back to the school counselor, she said that the school community was so generous that there were no more needs. So we went back to our church community and began to pray and ask the Lord what we should do. (Pause.)
Last October, one of the families we were working with in the homeless/park community got in some trouble and their child was taken away by social services. My family is now fostering him and the families in our church are helping care for him. His mom entered a rehab facility and [is] getting her life back in order.
She now proclaims Christ and is trying to get her kid back. We have been given the responsibility of supervising her visits with him and helping her learn to parent him better. It's tough, but it has been a huge blessing. (Now back to the story.)
We felt the Holy Spirit tell us to bless the women & children living in this particular rehab facility that his mom is in. When we inquired, we found out there were the exact amount of kids in this home as there were cards/money that you guys provided us. So as a church we bought each kid a stuffed animal and gave the gift card to the parent to help w/Christmas. I wished you could have been there to see the smiles & tears on their faces.
God once again has shown us when we follow Him, His plans are way better than ours! Thank you for partnering with us and being a Blessing to us so that we could be a blessing to this community. We now have a huge open door to share the gospel with these women/moms. I attached a "Thank You" card they sent to us but it more appropriately belongs to you guys. From the bottom of our hearts - Thank you for loving and caring for us here in San Francisco. God is at work! To Him be the glory, 1 Peter 4:11."
I'm just blown away. We couldn't have planned or predicted any of this, and I'm grateful to have been used to provide a very small part of this blessing. The handwritten notes from each of the moms are a treasure to read. So much love has been exchanged with such a small gift, and so many more opportunities are waiting to build on this foundation. Just remember - give good.
Luke 6:38 - Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down,
shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap.
For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
Today I have a treat for you - a new video! I'm working in my Bible, doing some art journaling. I'm using mostly stamping staples for this episode - gesso might be the only thing you don't have on hand.
I love this little birdie! He's really ruling the roost in my house lately. I've colored him with Copic markers. Yes, you can use Copics over gesso if you are quick and light-handed.
I decided he needed a crown. After all, he is one of God's creatures too! Do you love this guy? He's free if you buy $50 (US pre-tax/shipping) of product from Stampin' Up!
Thanks for stopping by today - I hope you've been encouraged and inspired. See you soon!
Our weather is somewhere between summer and spring. We have freezing nights, warm days, no rain, a flood, and most of my outdoor plants are confused about whether they should flower or not.
I thought I would make a card that is summer (flowers) and fall (colorful trees). This set is just so flexible. So clean, so easy to mask and wonderful to just add accents. It doesn't require a lot of coloring, in fact, you can use this set without coloring at all.
Another favorite accent I love to do is side-punching. Did you notice it? It's really easy. I drew a very light pencil line across the card, lined it up with the middle of the Envelope Punch Board punch, and, well, punched it! Super simple. It's a great way to make sure your twine or ribbons don't slide around. This card is great for anytime of the year, but just think how perfect it will be for Thanksgiving and all your fall correspondence! And, hello, masculine cards!
I love it. Love love love this set. Ok, I wasn't gonna show this today, but I totally am. Just because I can feel you twisting my arm. I said you can use this without coloring at all - right? And you got a little squirmy at the thought? Check this out:
Sale-A-Bration Perfectly Artistic double-sided paper
This is an ATC (artist trading card). I love making them for 2 reasons: The ATC sleeves are perfect for tucking a little treat into and giving away on a whim. They act like a business card for you (just put your info on the back) and a sweet piece of art for them. And the second reason? THEY ARE PERFECT center pieces of a card. Boom! Make an ATC, stick it on a card, add a few embellishments - DONE.
I hope I've inspired you to play. The products I've used are listed below. They link right to my store. Remember: It's Sale-A-Bration time. If you spend $50 you get to pick a free item from the Sale-A-Bration catalog - those items cannot be bought! This beautiful marble-swirl paper? SAB! I also am giving away the Tin of Cards kit to the first $50 (pre-tax and shipping) customer!
Well hello, my friend! I'm glad you stopped by. This has been a phenomenal week in many respects. First, all my crafty friends (or most of them) descended on Anaheim, CA for the Craft and Hobby Association (CHA) event. That's where companies roll out their new products and the demonstrators rock the samples!
The Globe Awards gala happened which is cool if you're into that, but it sucked because David Bowie, an icon, passed away.
I was thinking I would sum it up in one project. Our FAVORITE WINNER of the Hot Product award at CHA was Iliana Myska with her MISTI invention. That fantastic little powerhouse also introduced two new formats of the MISTI, a card-front sized and a 12x12 inch size! Wow!
I whipped mine out and positioned the paint swipe image from the SU! Love You Sew (host) stamp set to make a colorway from Tangerine Tango to Melon Mambo down my focal panel. I took the sentiment and used the Rock and Roll technique for the sentiment. Then I punched holes using my regular hole punch and the retired Spiral Notebook Edge whale-tale punch.
I custom colored my white stitched satin ribbon with Copic markers, and use the Bermuda Bay stitched ribbon for the middle along the right edge. The left was just a scramble of gold thread. I added a few glitter stars and clear sequins to dress it up. I also used the Modern Mosaic embossing folder to give it a little umph!
I couldn't resist. A card that glamorous, debuting during the Globes and CHA awards just had to come out stylin' on a Blushing Bride glitter carpet! Don't forget I am offering a Tin of Cards set to the first person to order $50 or more (before tax and shipping) through my store (top right)!
Sale-A-Bration is going strong - buy any $50 in product and select a free product from the Sale-A-Bration catalog! Instant Valentine's gift for your bestie!
I live in Texas. We have a blizzard, a heat wave, and flooding all in one day. Today, I got to enjoy crisp sunshine. I have this thing about raking leaves.
I don't. I mean, the tree put a lot of love into those beautiful leaves. Why would I take them away from their mother? Maybe it's because I love machines and labor. I will say I got some strange looks as I roared around my yard on my Dad's mower listening to my favorite music. Oh...you saw that? LOL
Since I mowed, I thought I would think about those leaves and whip up a quick couple of projects.
Botanical Builder dies, Botanical Gardens paper, Suite Sayings sentiment.
Leaves. See? They do such a beautiful work in their season - they collect sunshine to make energy, they spread shade over my law, they flutter goodbye when it's time for rest. I like to chop them to bits and scatter them around their trees.
You axe murderer! Hahahaha!
Did you notice anything new today? Did'ya? YES!! It's finally here!!
Seriously. Who can resist all that beautiful gold!?? I want to run, shouting, through my neighborhood with this gorgeous piece of shiny! But I won't because they saw me on my mower... and they may have speed dial for those pretty white jackets. Sigh.
This catalog is so full and so rich. I thought it deserved some shiny golden lusciousness to welcome it! Wheeeee!!!!! But it isn't the easiest thing to photograph! All the supplies are down below, with live links to the store.
Sale-A-Bration is also starting! That means for every $50 you spend (pre-tax and shipping), you get to pick from the SAB catalog and there are some beautiful things in there!
Do you wanna spread your dollars even farther and get discounts for yourself? You can join Stampin Up! for $99 and get $155 in product! Then you can order anything you wish and get the demonstrator discount - you don't have to sell a single thing!
Do you need another incentive? The FIRST person who places a $50 (pre-tax and shipping) or larger order gets a Tin of Cards set from me!
So go! Order! Play! Leave the leaves where they fall!
I wish you all a happy new year, and I hope yours is filled with love, light, and all the good things in life!
I'm not one for resolutions. However, I do want to be more intentional this year than years past. I want to be more accountable to the things that buzz around in my head. You know - you probably hope to do the same things. See more of God's hand in your opportunities and decisions. Stay on track with your fitness goals. Remember to actually send cards for birthdays and other things.
Can I get an "amen"? Right?! Duh! I have a plan! I am sitting down at my studio table, thinking about goals. I have fitness goals. I never stop to consider the long view - how far have I come? Is something not working? Do I change what I'm doing or alter the goal?
I have tons of art supplies. Some of them I saved for a long time to be able to purchase. Yet I find myself consistently in the rut of the same products and tools over and over. Some of that is a time issue - I have a pressing deadline and need to get 'er done the easiest way possible. I don't want that to be the pattern.
When and how do I address these issues? How do I evaluate these things? How do I stay the course?
I make a list! Yep! I'm a list-maker. Our lives revolve around different time spans. Short-term, mid-term, long-term, and post-term. Each day has these partitions, too. We're used to those because time is more focused and conforms to timelines and daily accomplishments.
I am making a daily list of things I want to ask myself at the end of the day. Did I achieve my fitness goal? Did I achieve my study goal? Did I improve the state of someone else's day? Each evening I will review my short-term goals. Note, your long-term goal should be broken into achievable parts that you can accomplish in the short and middle term time periods.
I'm also making a weekly list of things to evaluate. Did I send out the cards I promised myself I would do? I will acknowledge the success/failure and make plans for the next week. Did I meet my fitness goals? Next week, no junk food!
Then I make a monthly list, and a quarterly list for all the things I want to do. And I know I'll be laughing at these lists or they will be laughing at me along the way!
This is my new crush! I love this set! A Nice Cuppa and all the perfect bits!
I'll be doing some lists for my crafty time, too. I am going to list techniques, special products, and tools that I have been neglecting. That should make everyone happy! It means you should see more from me that hopefully means more inspiration for you!
Is there something you'd like to see me demo? Is there a technique you need to see 'live' so you can understand and feel confident to try it? Is there a product or tool? Let me know how to help you meet your crafty goals!