
Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Hacking the MISTI

Hello dear friends! I'm here today with a little video (short and sweet) to help you get the most out of your MISTIs. I'm always using mine - I have 3, and that's still not enough. I make dozens of repeat cards for a variety of needs, so I don't like to unload my MISTI for just a quick card.

I hope this gives you an idea to stretch your tools. You can do this without 2 MISTIs, too - just put a stack of paper or a mouse pad under your stamping surface to simulate the height of the second MISTI.


I had the privilege to teach at a local Christian bookstore. I held a Bible journaling class, and that turned into something amazing. I know lots of people are frustrated with their prayer lives, wondering when they will hear from God or see a sign. I did too. Then I said YES to the Lord and suddenly His fingerprints are on everything!

I just mentioned to the ladies in my class (there were 4 adults and a child) that I wasn't charging for the class but would accept donations for my missions trips. God gave me $70. Wow - just like that! I've also been praying for God to show me which missions I would serve. Let me set the scene.

It was a cold, windy, rainy night. There wasn't a lot of traffic in the store. This man came by and watched us working for a minute. He asked a few questions, and then shared that a lady at his church was trying to draw ladies to fellowship by offering crafts. We talked about the difficulty of not being able to reach people, and how many things stood in the way of getting them through the door.

He mentioned that a number of teens had already had several abortions. Teens. My heart hurt. He noted how the government provided funding to women who were unwed and had children, encouraging them to have more as each child grew too old to receive the same level of benefits. Numerous fathers, zero fatherly input. How an 80-year-old preacher was arrested for preaching salvation in his own church. How many people had been scarred by the history of the church and being poorly treated by church members or leaders. My heart was crushed.

I asked him to give my contact information to the lady trying to do crafts. Maybe I could help her by providing artwork or patterns or ideas, certainly through prayer. I asked his name. He said, "Jason." with an English accent. I said - I know you. I pray for you. You are from Preston, England! He said, yes. I felt like I'd been hit with lightning. God brought a man all the way from England on a cold, rainy night, to a bookstore he didn't frequent, just to tell me my art could help people way over the ocean. Let me tell you - I went home and praised, and cried, and rejoiced!

The next day I had a meeting with the missions coordinator. This meeting had been set in January, well before Jason came. Word had already reached my church that Preston, England needed me. I spoke with the women's ministry leader - she had already talked to the ladies of that church and we had a date set and I was on the list. Can you see this? Does it not shout to you? I feel even more strongly that this is the right path. I'd love it if you'd join me.

Please help me raise funds to pay for this trip. There is a PayPal donation button in the upper right of this blog. The only thing donations will be used for is the travel expenses. I will pay for everything else. If you don't feel like donating, but would like to support me, please consider purchasing stamps or cards or anything else I can make. Proceeds from those items will go into the trip funds. And most of all, please pray that we can reach these women and their children. Thank you so much for spending a little time with me today. I know you are busy and it means the world to me that you care.

In Christ's service,


  1. Great video. Very creative to make the most of the space. Very exciting about this ministry opportunity. Sounds like a God thing for sure.

  2. No words. Hands lifted high! I'll be praying for so many aspects of your trip.

  3. Ky, oh how I loved reading your story. Sometimes we just have to look up and smile and say, I know that was you God!. His hand truly is in our daily lives if we look about. Blessings to you and your mission. Gail


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