
Friday, March 11, 2011

More Cards!

Yes - the muse is rolling with the cards. Great for the soldiers, so I don't really mind at all. Besides, it's fun!

{click to enlarge}

I have this OCD thing - if I have to cut a base for a card, then I have a leftover base. My head can't let go of that orphaned base, so I'm compelled to complete the other card. Same thing with leftover pieces-parts. You would think I could just put them away for later, but no - they *must* be used right away! LOL What do you struggle with?

I also feel the need to stamp multiple images. This is Charlotte with a Rose, made by Sparkle Creations. I stamped 5 of her, then colored her with my Prismacolor pencils, and used odorless mineral spirits to blend and smooth. These two cards were created using Stamp TV's current sketch challenge.

I think Charlotte is beautiful. What soldier wouldn't love to send her to his mom or sweetheart back home? It's even good for the women soldiers - perfect for mom, or to send a piece of their heart home.

Ok - I'm off for now. I need to get things done so I can't hopefully get messy with paints today. I have awesome ideas for a new canvas and a couple of art journal pages.

Be creative!

P.S. if you need specific information regarding any technique or supply used, leave a message and I will get back to you!

1 comment:

  1. Oh these are all beautiful Ky, i love the idea of using up things as ou go along, saves space on storing all the odd bits.
    I struggle on too much paper...too much choice = too many decisions = no card! ACK
    love tasha xx


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