
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Over the Moon!!

I cannot believe my card set won one of the three prizes in the Gina K customer blog hop!! I'm ecstatic! Yet, even more, I am grateful to people like Gina K who share so much of themselves.

Jessica, over at Stamp TV challenged all of us to share a little about ourselves by completing this questionaire. The requirements are to answer with the fewest words, and tag 5 peeps when your done. I thought I would let YOU choose yourself if you'd like to participate. Then you can link a comment here to your blog so I can learn about you!
1. Where is your cell phone? who knows?

2. Your hair? longer than ever

3. Your mother? an angel (2001)

4. Your father? ornery as ever

5. Your fave food? baked potato soup and steak

6. Your dream last night? weird (typical)

7. Your fave drink? water with lemon (or whiskey sour)

8. Your dream/goal? get a medical degree

9. What room are you in? living room

10. Your hobby? animal rescue and papercrafting
11. Your fear? don't have any

12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? living in another state, learning and growing

13. Where you were last night? in NCIS heaven

14. Something that you aren’t? boring

15. Muffins? trying to quit

16. Wish List Item? a new professional digital camera

17. Where did you grow up? I haven't

18. Last thing you did? ate dinner

19. What are you wearing? sweats and a kitty

20. Your TV? on - basketball, hockey and football

21. Your Pets? snoozing (all 5 of them)

22. Friends? Happy! and prayed for!

23. Your Life? good!

24. Your Mood? upbeat

25. Missing Someone? always

26. Vehicle? a part of the family

27. Something your not wearing? shoes

28. Your fave store? QVC and Gina K

29. Your fave color? robust autumnal palette
30. Last time you laughed? 2 minutes ago

31. Last time you cried? couple of months

32. Your best friend? Many! DH, first...

33. One place that I go to over and over? Stamp TV

34. One person who emails regularly? Sunshine

35. Fave place to eat? The Marketplace (Arkansas)

36. Facebook? Time sucker
37. Fave game? Sudoku
So - that's me. Quirky, smart-mouthed, curious, always learning about something. I am also thankful - for every one of you, and for all those terrific people in my life that love beyond the bounds of minimal requirement. Big hugs for Thanksgiving, and I'll see you back here on Friday for the Unity FWF post!
Ta for now, ~ky

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