
Saturday, September 26, 2009

Remembering Mollie

Yes, our hearts are heavy, broken even. But we want to focus on the love and the happiness Mollie shared in our home. She was an unwanted puppy who had been confined to the backyard with little interaction with people. She was 1.5 years old when we got her. I still remember the first time we took her out to the woods for a romp. It was very obvious she'd not been out. She was like a little kid on their first trip to a candy store. So sweet...

She would run, all out, until she just crashed. Then she'd sleep all the way home and most of the afternoon.

She was such a sweetie. If she'd been a mom, she would have gotten Mom of the Year honors. She mothered everything, even our bearded dragon, Oscar. Let me tell you, he was hard to mother!! She also mothered 3 kittes and 2 bunnies (when they would let her). She never met another pup that she didn't love. She had two boyfriends who will miss her. And two very sad parents who were looking forward to so much more. Thank you all for the condolences you've already shared. I just need to have space to remember her. She made me mad on occasion (like any child), but I never intended for something like this to happen.

We miss you, beautiful sweet girl. You were so loved.

Ta for now, ~ky


  1. Such a sweet and loving face!!! And happy memories of you all!!! I'm so sorry for the loss of this precious furbaby and sending lots of hugs and prayers!!!

  2. I'm so sorry for your loss. Our furbabies give us so much joy.

  3. What an adorable girl! I'm so sorry she's gone. Such a special member of the family can never be replaced, only fondly remembered. I'm glad to hear you have so many wonderful memories to hang onto. I'm praying for you!

  4. oh Ky, my heart is breaking right now hun. She was such a beautiful sweet, and kind dog. May she rest in peace. The biggest {{hugs}} ever to you and Karl. My thoughts and prayers are with the both of you hun!

    p.s. every time I go running I will think of her.

  5. Oh what a sweet face! I am so sorry for your loss! Your post is just beautiful. Glad you are able to focus on the wonderful times. (((hugs))) sweetie.

  6. So sorry to hear about your loss, Ky! I hope as time goes you will always cherish the wonderful memories and your heart will heal from the pain. Just know my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this time.

  7. Hugs Ky and Kyle!! I am so sorry for the both of you!!! it is so sad when we loose a fur baby, but nice that she left such a paw print on your lives!! Hugs some more! thinking of you!


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