
Saturday, June 6, 2009

My BIG Day.....of shopping!

Ok - I AM NOT a shopaholic. I go into a store with my list, and I rarely stray. I'm not much of a compulsive buyer, either. However....those traits go right out the window when I step into a craft store. I will wander aimlessly. I will reach for every shiney thing.

I will fill whatever size basket the store uses.

I will buy anything on-sale.

I will gravitate to storage and organization products... get the picture?

Karl had to work yesterday in the city (85 miles away) so I went too. While he worked, I shopped. He gave me some birthday money...silly man. I spent it!

I introduced myself to JoAnn's. I had never been in this one before, and like others I had visited, it didn't have a lot of craft stuff. It was mostly sewing items. I did get an artbin to relocate my ribbon storage into. See - organizing stuff. I also hit Michaels, and Pebbles in My Pocket (a locally owned company in Utah and Las Vegas). I got lots of fun stuff that you will see here and there on future projects.

One thing that I was most excited about, were Pebbles in My Pocket crafting chalks. They come thirty in a tray, and I bought 6. Six sets. HALF-a-DOZEN! Do the math - 180 different chalks in three different applications. Three sets in pastel, brights and earth tone (regular chalk, sample below), two sets of glimmers, and one set of metallic creme chalks (sample 2 below). HAPPY DANCE!!!

However, I could not find the chalk enhancer fluid that Gina K uses is her Stamp TV tutorials. Drat. I talked to the store owner, and - get this - she had NEVER HEARD of Gina K!! I told her Gina was featuring her products in her tutorials....almost no response. I asked her if she carried chalk enhancer - never heard of it, what does it do? It turns chalks into watercolors that bind well to cardstock.

Regardless of her ignorance on this issue, I will still give you an enabling alert! These are HIGH quality chalks, with their own applicators. I've been playing with them a little and they are divine. Best of all? You can order online. Pebbles in My Pocket. They have a blog too, so check them out - maybe offer some education! Ask them to carry products. They do have really cute kits, too.

Ok...I'll stop gushing. Thanks for stopping by - I love to read your comments. I love to know you've been here!

Ta for now, ~ky


  1. I am jealous Ky! a day of craft shopping. sounds perfect. cant wait to see what you do with the chalk

  2. your chalks sound wonderful! i have the chalks that SU carries but i've never used them. seemed intimidating to me. i look forward to see what you do with them!

  3. love these, never seen them in real life before... mmms they look amazing.. good for u for getting all 6 sets... u lucky girl! hugs

  4. oh I saw these the other day, must resist lol

  5. You are so funny. I am the same way. My weakness is online shopping too. I mean, you can find ANYTHING you want (and more!) on-line and you don't even have to leave the house. Eeek. I get myself in trouble quite often. Right now, I have put myself on "restriction" from buying anything craft related for atleast a month... oh how hard it is. Enjoy your chalks! Can't wait to see what you do with them

  6. Ohhh man do those look beeeeeeeeautiful and tempting!!!!!!!


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