
Sunday, April 12, 2009

Gut Me

I promised you a lesson in scrapbook frugality. BIG NOTE: it works for cards and other projects as well. I'm using the layout below (the one I did for Scrappy Sunday) to show you how this works. I didn't dream this up, someone showed me, long ago. It's called page gutting.

Your first step is to use a cutter that allows you to start in the middle of an area. I use my dependable Fiskar (I'll tell you how to make it dependable in another segment if you wish). I come in about 1 to 1 1/2 inches from each edge and cut to within 1 to 1 1/2 inches of each edge.

When you have cut all the way around, you can remove the center, thus:

This is your "gut" piece. Then, I do the same with my contrast color, but I cut it slightly larger (3/4 inch from each edge).

When you have both pages cut, take the border from your patterned paper, and the gut from your cardstock and overlay them. You will have about a quarter overrun on the gut for adhesive. I no longer bother drawing my cutting marks because I have done it so much I can wing it. You may want to draw out your cuts in the beginning. It's almost impossible to draw the cuts in a perfect square, but you can get close enough. When you first start, err on the side of overlap.

Personally, I don't gut my cardstock, because I seldom use it for borders. I use it for mats for pictures or journaling boxes - when I need a bigger piece, I will gut my cardstock. When you are done, this is about the amount of paper you have saved (my 12 inch ruler is on the left). Plenty to make a card, a smaller scrapbook page, or as accents for a second, facing scrapbook page.

I hope this makes sense to you. If it only adds to your confusion, leave me a comment and I'll see if I can clarify. Thanks for taking the time to stop by. I appreciate your comments, and if you have a technique or tip you want to share or need for me to find for you - let me know.

I hope you had a very Happy Easter!

Peace be the journey. Cool runnings.

Ta for now, ~ky


  1. Thanks for sharing! I'll have to try this sometime!

  2. Makes perfect sense! Good reason for me to keep my old Creative Memories cutter around, too.

  3. I love this, Ky. I'm glad to know I'm not the only cheap... oh I mean frugal one out there :) I'm going to have to start doing this!

  4. oo I do this!! :) It seriously saves so much paper!!! :) Thanks for sharing your awesome ideas Ky!

  5. Wow, very cool and thrifty! Thanks for the idea!

  6. I have had to do this before out of necessity when I have run out of a coordinating paper, but I should really do this more often just to save resources and money! Thanks for the reminder!


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